ALCA Student Release Form
  • Medical Information and Release
  • Field Trip and Photo Release
  • Pick-up Release
  • Driving Release
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Student Information

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Permission Agreement

Should an emergency arise in which my child will need to be transported to a local hospital, I give my consent for the transport to take place. If I am not able to be reached, I give my consent for my child to be medically and/or surgically treated by medical professionals to whatever extent is necessary to the wellbeing of my child.
Affirmation *
Please enter your full legal name

Permission to Administer Medication

There are times when a child may need over the counter medication. We are able to administer the following medications only if we have a signed permission slip from the parent. Please check the medication that we are able to administer to your child and sign the release. In most cases, generic brands will be used.
Please select any that are acceptable *
Affirmation *
Please enter your full legal name